Old wooden bench cleaner test - Woodguard - Net Trol - HG

Degreasers on old wooden benches. The game of giants in video on more or less 2 days of animation.

Step 1: Product Presentations

  • Guard Industry (France):

Product: Woodguard, €72.00 HT/ 5L
To see on: Link to Woodguard

  • Owatrol (France):

Product: Net Trol, €13.26 HT/ 1L
To see on: Link to Net Trol

  • HG (Germany): 

Product: Anti-grey for wood, 3.30 HT/ 500ml
To see on: Link to Anti-grisaille for wood

Step 2

Application of the 3 brands of wood degreasers according to manufacturers' recommendations, such as pre-wetting for the Net Trol.

Step 3:

Operation rinsing the 3 brands of wood degreasers. First surprising results and against all odds..... waiting for drying. See you later. 

Step 4:

And that's when they're dry. What do you think?

In our opinion, the most "damaged" bench degreased at the Net Trol is the least interesting.

This deserves a second passage as also proposed by the manufacturers for the very damaged and dirty woods .... To do, but..... with the 3 marks on a single bench, there will be no "privileges"..... See you very soon with this test.

Step 5:

2nd passage of the degreasers .... as indicated, to test the best, but on a single wooden bench,.... The most damaged to inform people who have followed the episodes (see other videos)

Step 6:

Cleaning and Rinsing following the 2nd passage of the degreasers.... To test the best, but on a single wooden bench,.... The most damaged to inform people who have followed the episodes (see other videos).

We are already seeing some differences...

Step 7:

And after drying, what is the best of the test of the 3 wood degrets?

Test results