Water repellent L - Waterproofing - PTB Compaktuna

Water Repellent L (P.T.B.-Mass Water Repellent) is an additive that improves waterproofing.

6 Items
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PTB 77.1L A

Water repellent L - Waterproofing - PTB Compaktuna

Hydrofuge L (PTB-Mass Hydrofuge) is an adjuvant which gives better waterproofing.

Features :

  • Gives better waterproofing to concrete, cement, joints, etc.
  • Gives a plasticizing effect so that a more favorable water/cement factor can be used, improving strength.


Water repellent L is always added to the mixing water, in a concentration of 0.5 to 1% by weight of the cement.

At the dosage in concrete, in which we add 0; 0.5 and 1% of the water repellent L to the weight of the cement (CEM I 42.5R), the following results are obtained:

  • After immersion in water, the reference is fully saturated after 24 hours.
  • After 28 days, water infiltration remains limited to a depth of 5 mm with ± 0.5%, and with ± 1% of water repellent L, the penetration is only 3 mm.

Consumption :

± 0.5% to 1% by weight of cement

Conditioning :

1 L and 5 L: Transparent.

Formerly: PTB-Mass water repellent - Waterproofing - PTB Compaktuna

PTB 77.1L A
6 Items

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